Why Do People Like BDSM?

Why Do People Like BDSM?

Playing with the power of an erotic situation is all the term BDSM can be best expressed, as it is all the erotic power play. It may or may not involve restraints, involves equipment, pre-determined scripts, and roles, some temporary intense moments of pain, or none of these at all. It might be some erotic looks and a few words. The psychological makeup, prior agreements, consent all together can form a very powerful erotic experience.


BDSM generally involves three major things in its practices:

TRUST one of the most fundamental dynamic in BDSM that is trust. The whole act begins only when the partners have full trust in each other. Surrender, intimacy, and experimentation are not possible without it. It makes people connected to a very high extent that takes every minute attention allowing them to trust and relax with each other.

COMMUNICATION Second most important factor behind the peoples liking towards BDSM is the way it develops a smooth communication between the players. They talk about sex, discuss bodies, Feelings the way they want to see each other makes them develop more. There’s a lot to talk about

When they see their bodies as carriers for experimentation, they know their limits. SAFETY There are always some safe words in practice in BDSM which means an immediate action to stop or intimate the one not to cross the limits, as we know it has consent to be discussed before beginning with the game. It makes them respect each-others limits. It’s neither coercive nor Impulsive, simply it’s all about pain with certain limitations.

It is all normal in BDSM about trust but not pain, surrender not powerlessness, about dominance but not selfishness, and mainly about expanding the conventional definition of sex, with kink or fetish or an occasional detour from oneself. Whatever physical stimulation they have is provided with psychological intensity making it more desired.


As per the latest researches made on people involved in BDSM and non-practitioners it gives all positive results in favor of BDSM.

As per the published norms on 10 psychological disorders when compared to BDSM practitioners by Pamela Connolly, compared normative samples and it was found that the BDSM practitioners had lower levels of depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTDS), anxiety, psychological sadism, and psychological masochism.

In another comparison made by the researchers, Andreas Wismeijer and Marcel van Assen amongst BDSM practitioner to non-BDSM practitioners on major personality traits, showed in its result that the BDSM practitioners revealed higher levels of conscientiousness, extraversion, openness to experience, and subjective well-being.




All these investigations gave a common conclusion that people prefer to involve in BDSM as it has reported increased closeness amongst each-other and decrease in psychological stress from before to after their sessions and an altered state of consciousness differing for both, the top and the Bottom. These pleasurable altered states of consciousness might be one of the reasons that people get the motivation to engage in BDSM.

A non-profit organization The Eulenspiegel Society, a non-profit organization in New York City that describes itself as the oldest and largest support and education groups, spokeswoman Michal Daveed says, “Normal is funny to describe really widespread and diverse humanity. If your definition of normal is how many people are doing this, its way more people than you may think.”

Also Read: What is BDSM?

“BDSM is a healthy expression of sexuality,” says Filippo M. Nimbi, Ph.D., a researcher at the Institute of Clinical Sexology and in the department of dynamic and clinical psychology at Sapienza University, both in Rome. People involved in BDSM were found to be more satisfied, happy, positive, and leading an overall better quality of life. It gives the players develop their erotic fantasies from their different tastes, experiences, and curiosities, beginning in childhood and going till the end of their lives.

Some people find that BDSM makes them be free, get wild to let go, and to play a different role from their everyday lives. The boost in the chemical combination of endorphins, dopamine, and other hormones makes the experience pleasurable to some makes BDSM wonderful to others, says clinical sexologist Francesca Gentille, coeditor of The Marriage of Sex & Spirit, and host of the podcast Sex: Tantra & Kama Sutra.

By all the studies made by different psychologists, sexologists one can easily understand how BDSM leads someone to a different world, being the same human. A new horizon to explore and to try something new every-time in the same bedroom. It has got another aspect as you enjoy what you are doing and here it doesn’t matter the satisfaction is from physical sensation or dominating another person involving pain and enjoyment. It has a large spectrum of activities one can act as Which you generally won’t do while having sex, or to make your fantasy happen in real life, trying out Something new filled with pleasure.

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