There could be numerable factors as to why you felt the need to research on something like this- you could be feeling the need to spice up your sex life more than it is now, you might be feeling the need to revive the lost spark in your relationship or you might even be looking for ways to take your sex life to a whole new level. But the bottom line is, something new needs to be done with your sex life so you and your partner can feel more satisfied, more into each other and have more fun.
There are really very minute things you need to take care of, and your sex life can be revived into being a rage it used to be, or even better. It could be anything that could be missing; emotions, feelings, attachment, emotional and mental connection or there might be miscommunication. Sometimes, one of you might be more stressed and lose your libido and not feel in the mood. There are endless possibilities.
However, you can revive your sex life and bring some oomph into it with some very simple measures. We bring these to you; these are complete no-brainers: -
1. Talk and talk some more
The one thing that couples often miss out on is talking to each other. They often assume things which clearly don’t help. It'ss better to talk to your partner about things that they might want or things that you expect out of them. Talk about what ticks you, what makes the mood for you or what makes you uncomfortable and surely you two will have an amazing time in bed.
Also, be honest with each other about what you like and what you don’t.
2. Explore your body
If you are new to this, this might be a very efficient advice. Explore your body as your partner does not know what you like and what you don’t. They don’t know your body like you do. It would be mutually beneficial for you both if you explore your body and know exactly what you like, how you like it and what intensity do you like.
3. Exercise
This is a very underestimated and understated facet that most couples ignore. When you try to imitate a lot of things off, you feel it's not doable. The reality is, your body isn’t flexible since you aren’t exercising. Both of you need to exercise regularly to maintain form and shape so you can try different things in bed and have fun!
4. Be spontaneous
Yes! Being spontaneous can catch your partner off guard and make them feel hot for you and desire for you. So when you send them really sexy pictures of you or sext them while they are running errands, the moment they come home will be the moment you two put out your sexual tension! Be spontaneous and don’t plan things.
5. Invest in sexy lingerie
Most women will nod on this. Sexy, hot and delicate lingerie is the most efficient way to level your game up and make him feel all the hots about you. Buy kinky lingerie in hot colours and sexy cuts that reveal everything but still keep something in store for your partner to ravenously look through!
6. Talk to them while doing it
This is a real confidence booster and literally drives your partner to the edge. Talk to your partner and tell them how sexy they are; tell them how good they are at whatever they are doing to you. And let them know they are amazing.
7. Foreplay
Foreplay is THE BEST WAY to have the most amazing, mind-shattering sex of your life. Go for sensuous and steaming hot roleplay that will not only turn both of you on but will also give your bodies just enough time to crave for each other.